FAQ "I'm a little late, but how can I know for sure that I'm pregnant?" We can offer pregnancy testing verified by a registered nurse and also confirm a viable pregnancy with a limited OB ultrasound. "When can I get an ultrasound?" We can perform a limited OB ultrasound as soon as LMP 6 weeks-14 weeks. This will confirm a viable pregnancy and determine the gestational age. "I'm thinking about abortion- what information do I need to know?" It is important that you make an informed decision. We can provide you with information about abortion procedures, risks, and long-term effects, as well as talk about other options such as adoption. "I don't know how I can support having a child, how can you help me?" We are here to listen and our client advocates can help you find the local agencies and programs that can provide housing, education and job training opportunities, child care options, and supplies. We can also provide you with maternity clothes and baby supplies up to 18 months old. You are not alone. "Will anyone find out that I came to your center?" We understand how important your privacy is. Any information you share with us in completely confidential. We desire to be a safe place for you, and will not judge or pressure you. We truly care and we are here for you. "I took the abortion pill, but I changed my mind! Is it too late to save my pregnancy?" There may still be time. Please call 1-877-558-0333 NOW. Or click the Abortion Pill Reversal link. |